112 All Posters

The Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine Pattern Product Link
USA, c. 1900
19 x 29 in (48 x 74 cm)

Un Nouveau Moyen de Communication: L'Audio-Visuel Product Link
France, 1983
15 x 11 in (38 x 28 cm)

Premiers Etats Généraux Architecture Urbanisme Product Link
France, 1974
16 x 11 in (41 x 28 cm)

L'Estampe Atelier Vivant Direction Claude Manesse Product Link
France, 1973
15 x 10 in (38 x 25 cm)

Air and Space Bicentennial: "American Portrait #15" Product Link
United States, 1983
30 x 22 in (76 x 56 cm)

Edinburgh International Festival 1967 Product Link
United Kingdom, 1967